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The European Accreditation Bodies have founded the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA), one of the main goals of which is to promote the international recognition of both the accreditation provided by its members and the accredited services by maintaining reliable multilateral agreements (MLAs). ESYD is one of the founding members of EA. Since March 2004, ESYD has become a signatory to the MLAs for Testing Laboratories, Calibration Laboratories and Inspection Bodies and since March 2005 for Certification Bodies for all provided services. ESYD became an EA MLA Signatory for GHG Verification in 2014 and for PT Providers in 2017.
ESYD is a full MLA/MRA member of ILAC and IAF in all the corresponding ILAC and IAF agreement.
Through these agreements between accreditation bodies at global level, accreditation recognition of MLAs signatories is expanded all over the world.
ESYD regularly participates in the EA General Assemblies and in the meetings of the EA Committees for MLAs, Laboratories, Certification and Inspection Bodies.
Copyright © 2009, Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD)
7 Thiseos Str., 176 76 Kallithea, Greece, Tel.: +30 210 7204600, Fax: +30 210 7204555
e-mail: esyd[at]esyd.gr, website: http://www.esyd.gr, Complaints: complaints[at]esyd.gr
Bodies Division:bodiesdiv1[at]esyd.gr, Laboratories Division: labsdivision[at]esyd.gr |